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  • Writer's picturesummerintensive2019

Coming up! Collaboration As a Dance of Trust

Updated: Jun 24, 2019

Collaboration As a Dance of Trust

Wednesday, July 25th

9:00 to 11:00 a.m.

FIP 138, UBC Okanagan Campus

In this seminar, Richard Van Camp will share how working with publishers, editors and his hero artists has only made his work and his career even more magnificent. He will share why many writers today do need to work with several agents, publishers and business models to have a business plan that can survive the business of writing.

To attend this free seminar, please complete the linked REGISTRATION FORM.

Van Camp will also be offering a public reading as part of the Milkcraters of the Moon Reading Series tomorrow at 7:00pm at Milkcrate Records.

For more information, visit

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